dimanche 27 mai 2012

Top 100 des publications scientifiques

Voici le classement mondial par université ou organisme scientifique selon le nombre de publications scientifiques parues dans Nature en 2011.

La France est plutôt bien placée, grâce au CNRS et à l'INSERM.

A noter que le classement a été recalculé et pondéré.

Un peu comme le tableau des médailles aux derniers jeux olympiques, où le but des USA était de repasser devant la Chine coûte que coûte.

Sans cette moulinette, le CNRS était classé 2e mondial, juste derrière Harvard...

Source: http://www.natureasia.com/en/publishing-index/global/

Institution Corrected Count3 Articles4
  1. 129.92
    Harvard University, USA
  2. 67.48
    Stanford University, USA
  3. 63.87
    Max Planck Institutes, Germany
  4. 58.11
    National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
  5. 42.88
    The University of Tokyo, Japan
  6. 42.51
    French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
  7. 37.60
    University of California Berkeley, USA
  8. 36.92
    Yale University, USA
  9. 34.27
    University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA
  10. 34.15
    University of California San Francisco (UCSF), USA
  11. 33.31
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
  12. 31.04
    University of Oxford, UK
  13. 29.46
    University of Washington, USA
  14. 28.90
    University of Cambridge, UK
  15. 28.36
    Columbia University in the City of New York, USA
  16. 26.51
    University of Michigan, USA
  17. 25.72
    University of Illinois, USA
  18. 24.92
    The Scripps Research Institute, USA
  19. 24.69
    California Institute of Technology, USA
  20. 23.98
    Kyoto University, Japan
  21. 22.93
    Medical Research Council (MRC), UK
  22. 22.80
    The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  23. 22.52
    Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
  24. 22.07
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
  25. 21.94
    University of Toronto, Canada
  26. 21.34
    University of London - University College London, UK
  27. 21.19
    The Rockefeller University, USA
  28. 21.01
    Cornell University, USA
  29. 20.20
    Northwestern University, USA
  30. 19.96
    RIKEN, Japan
  31. 19.25
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
  32. 19.22
    University of Chicago, USA
  33. 18.54
    University of Pennsylvania, USA
  34. 17.37
    University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
  35. 17.31
    Osaka University, Japan
  36. 16.60
    Imperial College London, UK
  37. 16.55
    University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  38. 14.67
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
  39. 14.43
    Duke University, USA
  40. 13.92
    Washington University in St. Louis, USA
  41. 13.83
    University of Maryland, USA
  42. 13.62
    New York University, USA
  43. 13.12
    Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
  44. 12.84
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
  45. 12.66
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
  46. 12.46
    Princeton University, USA
  47. 12.37
    University of Tennessee, USA
  48. 11.92
    The University of British Columbia, Canada
  49. 11.76
    The University of Texas at Austin, USA
  50. 11.56
    National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France
  51. 11.48
    Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
  52. 11.27
    Seoul National University, Korea
  53. 11.01
    Tohoku University, Japan
  54. 10.98
    Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
  55. 10.95
    Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany
  56. 10.92
    University of Colorado Boulder, USA
  57. 10.89
    The University of Edinburgh, UK
  58. 10.86
    Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA
  59. 10.83
    University of Bristol, UK
  60. 10.83
    Yeshiva University, USA
  61. 10.75
    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
  62. 10.36
    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
  63. 10.20
    University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
  64. 9.83
    The University of Melbourne, Australia
  65. 9.69
    Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA
  66. 9.67
    Nagoya University, Japan
  67. 9.56
    University of Massachusetts Worcester, USA
  68. 9.55
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  69. 9.20
    The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
  70. 9.09
    Brown University, USA
  71. 9.03
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
  72. 8.98
    University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  73. 8.78
    Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany
  74. 8.74
    Rice University, USA
  75. 8.59
    Cancer Research UK, UK
  76. 8.58
    University of Science and Technology of China, China
  77. 8.49
    Emory University, USA
  78. 8.46
    University of Geneva, Switzerland
  79. 8.45
    University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland
  80. 8.32
    Boston University, USA
  81. 8.24
    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA
  82. 8.16
    University of Southern California (USC), USA
  83. 7.88
    University of California Irvine (UCI), USA
  84. 7.87
    Utrecht University, Netherlands
  85. 7.74
    University of Groningen, Netherlands
  86. 7.70
    The University of Queensland, Australia
  87. 7.68
    University of California Davis, USA
  88. 7.63
    Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany
  89. 7.63
    Genentech, Inc., USA
  90. 7.62
    University of Goettingen, Germany
  91. 7.45
    The Ohio State University, USA
  92. 7.43
    Pennsylvania State University, USA
  93. 7.26
    Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), USA
  94. 7.24
    Peking University, China
  95. 7.24
    The University of Manchester, UK
  96. 7.22
    University of Hamburg, Germany
  97. 7.18
    Australian National University, Australia
  98. 7.17
    McGill University, Canada
  99. 7.04
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA
  100. 7.03
    University of Pittsburgh, USA

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